Chocolate Fudge Bars

This weekend I saw these amazing chocolate fudge bars passing by on one of my favorite Instagram pages: Healthy Always. So you can imagine, I had to make these! Although I must say that I finally have used very different proportions then the original recipe but they were absolutely amazing! It's hard to don't eat them all at once.

Don't forget, get the Dutch version of all my recipes by clicking here!

The recipe:

The ingredients:
  • 300 g dates
  • 60 g cacoa powder
  • 75 g walnuts
  • 2 tbs coconut oil
  • handful almonds

What you do:
  1. Melt the coconut oil and remove the pits from the dates. Put the dates along with the walnuts, cocoa powder and melted coconut oil into your food processor and mix for about 2 to 3 minutes.
  2. Cut the almonds smaller (with mortar) and stir into the micture by hand or with a spoon. Put the mixture in a small container lined with grease proof paper and press the mixture down until it's well compacted. You can do this with your hands or with the back of a spoon. 
  3. Freeze until hard, then slice them into squares of your desired size (I recommend to make 8 pieces). Store them in the freezer (I'll get on out in the morning which I keep in the fridge until I eat it later that day).


1 comment:

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